Newscast / 01.15.03 Logo Logo

Where Colleges and Universities Go For The Latest In Inspection Technology

Campus Housing Administrators and Safety Directors Now Have a Solution for Managing the Record Keeping and Inspection Requirements for Colleges and Universities

Campus Lifee-Log! The first electronic log book for life safety!

BuildingReports, the largest inspection database for buildings, introduces e-Log, the electronic log book and record keeping system for Palm handhelds.

e-Log Web Portal runs in any Internet browser, so you don't have to buy any PC software to view, download, and print reports or inspections.

Campus staff can easily administer the web-based system, establishing user accounts for vendors, in-house staff or outside contractors. e-Log collects your inspections in one place, in an open format, that allows for easy distribution and sharing of information.

Our Forms library includes over 300 building inspections ready for download to your Palm, including:Tungsten T Handheld

  • Dormitory Inspection PDA form for Fire Prevention inspections of college dorm rooms. The form includes sections for electrical appliances, combustible liquids, plus measurements and clearances. Violation fields are included in all sections.
  • On Campus Move-in / Move-out Inspection PDA form for managing the transfer of students in and out of dorm rooms.
  • Off Campus Move-in / Move-out Inspection PDA form for managing the transfer of students at off-campus housing.

You can use any of our Forms as posted in the library, or edit and change them to meet your particular requirements. You can even build your own paper forms online, and download them to any Palm handheld!

Our bar code based ScanSeries software tracks every fire, security, and life safety system, product or device on campus; including exit and emergency lighting, fire alarm, fire extinguishers, fire sprinkler systems, special hazard and standby power systems.

Track each device by manufacturer, model number, location, date of installation, and any services performed by anyone you choose. Compare your inspection and data statistics to those aggregated worldwide in our Internet database, and get our exclusive time/date verification each time a device is serviced or inspected!

You'll get campus-wide inspection reporting, and comparative statistical analysis available to all of our members worldwide.


The Importance of Fire and Safety Inspections

Study Dorm"Fire prevention inspections are key in reducing the fire risk in fraternity and sorority housing. Fire inspectors need to remain diligent with regard to typical inspection items such as fire extinguishers, fire detection and alarm equipment, general housekeeping, building maintenance, and storage of combustible materials. Moreover, fire inspectors need to enforce all requirements of local codes such as the Life Safety Code…"

Fire Safe Student Housing
A guide for Campus Housing Administrators - February 1, 1999

Frederick Mowrer, Ph. D.P.E.
Department of Fire Protection Engineering
University of Maryland
Feb 1, 1999


To Learn More About Life Safety For Colleges and Universities


USFA - United States Fire Administration

NFPA - National Fire Protection Association

IAFC - International Association of Fire Chiefs

NFSA - National Fire Sprinkler Association

NSC - National Safety Council

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